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New Performances

During the last eight months of quarantine during the COVID pandemic, with many of us wrapped up in the protection of isolation and our own thoughts, many of us have had to resort to becoming more insular, and in effect, more distant from our natural tendencies to both congregate and connect physically with others. As a result, some of us have had a psychological evolution as a means of coping, be it via talking to our plants, obsessively cleaning and/ arranging our belongings or spaces, or developing an aversion to witnessing actors embrace or stand “too close” in movies and shows.

Years ago, as I first started to venture into the Austin art scene attempting to connect with an already established creative community, my naturally quiet nature made it difficult to establish a rapport with the other artists and gallerists. Part of the disconnect was cultural, with my familial tendency of having been brought up in a Mexican household, to hug (and sometimes kiss on the cheek) people I met, versus the outstretched arm and firm handshake that I encountered when I was fortunate enough to be introduced to others here. Almost two decades later, having slowly worked at letting down my barriers, and feeling more at ease to hug freely, all that progress feels stunted because of the months of isolation and caution for fear of contracting the virus.

In my new performance Huecos Chuecos I: Cariño Lamentado/ Cariño Suplicado (Crooked Spaces I: Lamented Affection/ Begged Attention) , via an act of ceremony, I will temporally project a physical connection to my community in absentia, in ritual and practice via unfulfilled hugs. The ceremony will take place in @icosa_art ’s front window on Saturday, December 12 beginning at 7pm.

The Ask:

In order to realize the ritual, I am sourcing headshots (head and shoulders in landscape orientation like the image of me shared here) from community members as an act of participation in the piece. Photos can be emailed to beginning now through December 9th. Thank you in advance for being a part of this healing work!

HUECOS CHUECOS II: Cariño Sudado (Crooked Hollows II: Sweaty Affection)

As part of a developing series of performances created in response to the solitude and distancing experienced by the artist during the many months of quarantine of 2020, Huecos Chuecos II: Cariño Sudado seeks to bridge the gaps created by the lack of social connections that many have experienced as a result of the extended period of isolation. In an act of radical joy, the humanity lost during the quarantine will be substituted by an activity--dance-- that activates the body and visceral connectivity that our corporeal forms and psyche require. Dance has always acted as a conduit of desire, energy, and spiritual fulfillment. This piece will be preceded by Huecos Chuecos I: Cariño Lamentado/ Cariño Suplicado at ICOSA on December 12.


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